
System objects are used to retrieve data on and control the state of SimpliSafe™ systems. Two types of objects can be returned:

  • SystemV2: an object to control V2 (classic) SimpliSafe™ systems

  • SystemV3: an object to control V3 (new, released in 2018) SimpliSafe™ systems

Despite the differences, simplipy provides a common interface to these objects, meaning many of the same properties and methods are available to both.

To get all SimpliSafe™ systems associated with an account:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession
import simplipy

async def main() -> None:
    """Create the aiohttp session and run."""
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        api = await simplipy.API.async_from_auth(

        # Get a dict of systems with the system ID as the key:
        systems = await api.async_get_systems()
        # >>> {"1234abc": <simplipy.system.SystemV2 object>, ...}

Core Properties

All System objects come with a standard set of properties:

# Return the street address of the system:
# >>> 1234 Main Street

# Return whether the alarm is currently going off:
# >>> False

# Return the type of connection the system is using:
# >>> "cell"

# Return a list of active notifications:
# >>> [<simplipy.system.SystemNotification object>, ...]

# Return a list of sensors attached to this system
# (detailed later):
# >>> [<simplipy.sensor.SensorV2 object>, ...]

# Return the system's serial number:
# >>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Return the current state of the system:
# >>> simplipy.system.SystemStates.AWAY

# Return the SimpliSafe™ identifier for this system
# from the key:
# >>> 1234abc

# ...or as a property of the system itself:
# >>> 1234abc

# Return the average of all temperature sensors
# (if they exist):
# >>> 67

# Return the SimpliSafe™ version:
# >>> 2

V3 Properties

If a System object should be a V3 system, it will automatically come with additional properties:

# Return the number of seconds an activated alarm
# will sound for:
# >>> 240

# Return the loudness of the alarm volume:
# >>> 3

# Return the power rating of the battery backup:
# >>> 5239

# Return the number of seconds to delay when returning
# to an "away" alarm:
# >>> 30

# Return the number of seconds to delay when returning
# to an "home" alarm:
# >>> 30

# Return the number of seconds to delay when exiting
# an "away" alarm:
# >>> 60

# Return the number of seconds to delay when exiting
# an "home" alarm:
# >>> 0

# Return the signal strength of the cell antenna:
# >>> -73

# Return whether the base station light is on:
# >>> True

# Return any active system messages/notifications
# >>> [Message(...)]

# Return whether the system is offline:
# >>> False

# Return whether the system is experiencing a power
# outage:
# >>> False

# Return whether the base station is noticing RF jamming:
# >>> False

# Return the loudness of the voice prompt:
# >>> 2

# Return the power rating of the A/C outlet:
# >>> 5239

# Return the ssid of the base station:
# >>> "My_SSID"

# Return the signal strength of the wifi antenna:
# >>> -43

V3 systems also come with a async_set_properties method to update the following system properties:

  • alarm_duration (in seconds): 30-480

  • alarm_volume: Volume.OFF, Volume.LOW, Volume.MEDIUM, Volume.HIGH

  • chime_volume: Volume.OFF, Volume.LOW, Volume.MEDIUM, Volume.HIGH

  • entry_delay_away (in seconds): 30-255

  • entry_delay_home (in seconds): 0-255

  • exit_delay_away (in seconds): 45-255

  • exit_delay_home (in seconds): 0-255

  • light: True or False

  • voice_prompt_volume: Volume.OFF, Volume.LOW, Volume.MEDIUM, Volume.HIGH

Note that the simplipy.system.v3.Volume enum class should be used for volume properties.

from simplipy.system.v3 import Volume

await system.async_set_properties(
        "alarm_duration": 240,
        "alarm_volume": Volume.HIGH,
        "chime_volume": Volume.MEDIUM,
        "entry_delay_away": 30,
        "entry_delay_home": 30,
        "exit_delay_away": 60,
        "exit_delay_home": 0,
        "light": True,
        "voice_prompt_volume": Volume.MEDIUM,

Attempting to call these coroutines with a value beyond these limits will raise a SimplipyError.

Updating the System

Refreshing the System object is done via the update() coroutine:

await system.async_update()

Note that this method can be supplied with four optional parameters (all of which default to True):

  • include_system: update the system state and properties

  • include_settings: update system settings (like PINs)

  • include_entities: update all sensors/locks/etc. associated with a system

  • cached: use the last values provides by the base station

For instance, if a user only wanted to update sensors and wanted to force a new data refresh:

await system.async_update(include_system=False, include_settings=False, cached=False)

There are two crucial differences between V2 and V3 systems when updating:

  • V2 systems, which use only 2G cell connectivity, will be slower to update than V3 systems when those V3 systems are connected to WiFi.

  • V2 systems will audibly announce, “Your settings have been synchronized.” when the update completes; V3 systems will not. Unfortunately, this cannot currently be worked around.


Arming the system in home/away mode and disarming the system are done via a set of three coroutines:

await system.async_set_away()
await system.async_set_home()
await system.async_set_off()


The System object allows users to view events that have occurred with their system:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

yesterday = - timedelta(days=1)

await system.async_get_events(from_timestamp=yesterday, num_events=2)
# >>> [{"eventId": 123, ...}, {"eventId": 456, ...}]

await system.async_get_latest_event()
# >>> {"eventId": 987, ...}

System Notifications

The notifications property of the System object contains any active system notifications (in the form of SystemNotification objects).

Notifications remain within system.notifications until cleared, which can be accomplished by:

  1. Manually clearing them in the SimpliSafe™ web and mobile applications

  2. Using the system.clear_notifications coroutine.


simplipy allows users to easily retrieve, set, reset, and remove PINs associated with a SimpliSafe™ account:

# Get all PINs (retrieving fresh or from the cache):
await system.async_get_pins(cached=False)
# >>> {"master": "1234", "duress": "9876"}

# Set a new user PIN:
await system.async_set_pin("My New User", "1122")
await system.async_get_pins(cached=False)
# >>> {"master": "1234", "duress": "9876", "My New User": "1122"}

# Remove a PIN (by value or by label)
await system.async_remove_pin("My New User")
await system.async_get_pins(cached=False)
# >>> {"master": "1234", "duress": "9876"}

# Set the master PIN (works for the duress PIN, too):
await system.async_set_pin("master", "9865")
await system.async_get_pins(cached=False)
# >>> {"master": "9865", "duress": "9876"}

Remember that with V2 systems, many operations – including setting PINs – will cause the base station to audibly announce “Your settings have been synchronized.”